Jennifer Gale
Classical Naturopath & Holistic Practitioner

Herbal Consult

Herbs are part of your welness plan

Do you know what this large herb is?

Do you know how it can be used as part of our health and wellbeing? Here are some fun facts about this mystery herb.

  • This herb is a perennial in most places – meaning that it pops up every year in the springtime.
  • It is found in zones 4 – 9.
  • The herb is known as a triple threat, having Culinary, Medicinal, and Spiritual use.  The parts used are the leaves and stems.
  •  This herb is probably best known as the flavoring in stuffing but it can be used in a variety of meats, vegetables, soups, and teas to bring dynamic flavor.
  • This herb is known to counteract the richness of certain foods and is also a digestive aid.
  • When used for health and wellness purposes, this herb is used to help restore energy and help with memory.
  • This herb is a common ingredient in mouthwashes and gargles due to it’s antibacterial properties.
  • First Nation traditions use this in a powerful cleansing technique called smudging.   The burning of herbs for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification is common practice in many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. It is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of negative energies or influences.


Herbs represent the medicine of our heritage. The study of what types and formulations of herbs helped us over the years certainly ensured our species survival. The knowledge found among herbalists is awesome in depth and scope.  As we evolved, herbs evolved with us and humans learned a myriad of ways herbs assist us with health and wellbeing.

Working with Herbs is one of my favorite modalities. If you would like to try An herbal program formulated and  personalized for you, make sure to ask about my service of Herbal Formulations. 

Do you know the Herb yet? IT’S SAGE Friends!